Changes in Depressive Symptoms of Korean American Dementia Caregivers After Attending the Savvy Caregiver Program: Preliminary Findings with a Pilot Sample
Preparing for pragmatic trials in dementia care: Health equity considerations for nonpharmacological interventions
“Do Your Best to Avoid it”: Appraisals and Coping with Discrimination-Related Stress Among Older Chinese Immigrants in Affordable Senior Housings During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Older Adult Frequent 9-1-1 Callers for Emergency Medical Services in a Large Metropolitan City: Individual- and System-Level Considerations
The relationship of history of psychiatric and substance use disorders on risk of dementia among racial and ethnic groups in the United States
A call to address structural barriers to Hispanic/Latinorepresentation in clinical trials on Alzheimer’s disease andrelated dementias: A micro-meso-macro perspective